Structural Features of Above-Ground Organs of Medicinal Plant Ferula Tadshikorum Pimenov in Natural Conditions of Growth

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G.M. Duschanova,


A morpho-anatomical study of the aerial organs of the medicinal plant Ferula tadshikorum was carried out in the conditions of the Surkhandarya region in the phenological phase of flowering.  The structural features of the leaf, petiole, peduncle and pedicel were determined, the forms of the main cells of the epidermis, the parameters of the stomatal apparatus, trichomes, the type of leaf mesophyll were described, the presence of localization of biological active substances determined in large and small numerous secretory receptacles of the schizogenic type in the peduncle was found and described.  the power of an organ that correlates with the life form.  The data and the identified structural diagnostic features of aboveground organs are species-specific and can be used in systematics and in the identification of plant materials for a given species and the determination of biologically active substances in organs and tissues.

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