The Economic Burden on Liver Transplant Recipient in India: Study of 50 Cases
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The economic burden on liver transplant recipient in India: study of 50 cases
Introduction: Liver transplant is the treatment of choice for end stage liver disease for long now in the western world. But recently from few years the treatment is offered to patients in India as well. Considering numbers India does one of the highest numbers of transplant in the world. The patient and his family members to a larger extent bear the load of the financial burden of the procedure. Government institute performing liver transplant are few and this is marketed by private and corporate sector as an opportunity to gain monetary benefits in an exaggerated manner. A section of patient population strugglestheir way out and make necessary financial arrangements for surgery also there exists a lifelong immunosuppression expense which the patient has to bear.
A set of questionnaires (139 question) was put forth and responses were given by patient in consultation with family members. The questionnaires were focused on efforts utilised for arrangement of funds and etc. All the 50 patients were adults and transplanted between January 2017 to December 2018.they were at least 1 year into post-transplantstatus. all patients belong to state of Maharashtra (India) and got transplant in different centers throughout India.
The youngest patient was of 41 yrs. and oldest was of 71 yrs. 40%were farmers, 84% were living donor liver transplant and 64% were non-alcoholic patients , 90% got a liver transplant done at pvt/corporate hospital .92% of recipient benefited from liver transplant and 2%detorieted after liver transplant compared to pre transplant status52% of patient income decreased after transplant and only 14% increased after procedure 90% gave a positive response to carry financial burden to save themselves 76% were aware about monthly expenditure following transplantProperty sale, personal/family saving, loan from friend/family were the highest of three utilized for liver transplant payments and more than two-third of patients utilized more than one of the above resources
Less than one-third of the patient utilized rehabilitation program.
Financial burden on liver transplant recipients is a complex situation to deal. The patient, family, friends, personal assets are in turmoil, The patient and his family are debt graveled due these circumstances. Initiating liver transplant strongly at district/civil hospital could reduce the cost and help the needy in India.