Prevalence of Radix Molaris of Mandibular First Permanent Molars: A Cone Beam Computed Tomography Study
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Aim: To determine the prevalence of radix molaris (paramolaris and entomolaris) in permanent mandibular first molars of Asir population in Saudi Arabia using Cone-beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)
Method: A total of 1102 fully developed mandibular permanent first molars from 700 patients were included in this study. CBCT scans were collected from a public College of Dentistry Dental Hospital and a private clinic. The following anatomic features were recorded: prevalence of radix molaris both RE and RP and prevalence of radix molaris according to patients’ gender and age.
Results: The prevalence of radix entomolaris (RE) was 6.6%, while that of radix paramolaris (RP) was 0.4%. No significant difference in incidence was found between males and females or patients’ age (P-value<0.05).
Conclusion: The prevalence of RE is higher than RP in mandibular first molars of this Saudi subpopulation. Identification of an extra root would avoid missing canals untreated which could associate with root canal treatment failure.