Features of Thyroid Dysfunction and Mastopathy in Women of Fertil Age.

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Saidiganikhodja Ibragimovich Ismailov, Otabek Sabirovich Yuldashev, Rajapova Shaxnoza Muxammadjanovna, Sultanov Sherzod Bakhodirovich


Background: Mastopathy, a benign breast disease, and the most common diagnosis in mammology, affecting more than one million women in the United States each year [1]. Mastopathy in Uzbekistan averages 1,590.3 cases per 100,000 women[2].

The purpose of the study: to study the relationship between changes in the thyroid gland and mammary gland in women of childbearing age with mastopathy and thyroid pathology.

Methods: The study followed the approval of the Ethics Committee for Helsinki Experimental, Clinical and Pharmaceutical Research, and the Protocol for the Study of International Agreements. For the study  184 women  of childbearing age (18-49) have been chozen   who were observed with mastopathy and thyroid pathology on the basis of the Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy in 2018-2021. Changes in the mammary and thyroid glands in patients were assessed on the sonography according to the BI-RADS and TI-RADS-systems. These patients were followed dynamically for 3 years.

Results: In 52 patients with ВIRADS 1 breast changes, the majority of thyroid sonography findings (50%) included TIRADS 1, 11 (21,15%) had TIRADS 2, and 9 (17,3%) in TIRADS 3 category, in 6 (11,55%) TIRADS 4 category and  71 patients with ВIRADS 2 changes in the mammary gland, 19 (26,7%) had thyroid changes in TIRADS 1, 23 (32,4%) had TIRADS 2 changes, and 19 (26,7%) had thyroid changes in TIRADS category 3, in 8 (14.2%) changes in TIRADS 4. In 37 patients with ВIRADS 3 in the mammary gland, TIRADS 1 changes in thyroid USE 2 (5,4%), TIRADS 2 changes in 3 (8,1%), 19 (51,4) %) in TIRADS 3, 12 (32,4%) in TIRADS 4, and the only TI-RADS 5 in the study. The study found no changes in TIRADS 1 in the thyroid gland findings of patients with very few detected BIRADS 4. Of the 6 patients in this category, 1 had TIRADS 2 changes, 2 had TIRADS 3 changes, and 3 had TIRADS 4 changes. Breast USE conclusion In a single patient with BIRADS 5, changes specific to TIRADS 3 were detected in USE of thyroid glands.

Conclusion: It can be concluded that as the TIRADS category in the thyroid gland increased, changes in the BI-RADS system were increased as well  in the ultrasound examination (USE) of the mammary gland.

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