A lawful discussion on homoeopathic injectables and its real world pharmaco-socio-economico-political impact across the globe.

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Dr. Sufiya S Mulla, Dr. Mrs. Manisha P Gajendragadkar, Dr. Avinash R Mhetre, Adv. Namrata B Bhilare


Introduction-Homoeopathic Injectables in Homoeopathic system of medicine is a forbidding challenge. This newer analytical study and technique of parenteral administration in homoeopathy and Rule 2(dd) of Drug& Cosmetic Act, 1940, we try to attempt to solve this enigma with the help of pharmacopoeia of different countries, review literature, laws and regulations, acts of different countries and court appeal letters. In this analytical study we are try to illuminate the Importance of using homoeopathic injectables there safety, advantages and challenges, there acceptance in different countries and negligence of laws and Rule 2(dd) of D & C Act, 1940 act for the parenteral administration of homoeopathic medicine have been enlightened with the help of review analytical study and in form of Pharmacological, social, economical and political impact with legal discourse. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the real time obligation of introducing injectables in homoeopathic system of medicine and maintain the necessary competence in real world and their importance and relevance of possible application of injectables in Homoeopathic practice in real life setting in the context of philosophical framework through legal consultation and review.

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