Association between E-Cigarettes and Diabetics
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Objective:Many studies have reported the relationship between nicotine and diabetes. However, there is not much correlation analysis on whether e-cigarettes, which are becoming more and more popular in recent years, have an impact on diabetes. Our aim is to find out possible association between e-cigarettes and diabetics, determine the mechanisms due to which e-cigarettes can lead to diabetics or prediabetics stage.
Methods:Using PubMed (including MEDLINE) and Web of Science Data, 264 Articles published in English as of October 30, 2021 were reviewed. 23 of these scientific papers were directly related to studies of e-cigarettes. Of these, two were experimental studies using animal models and three involved the effects of e-cigarettes on users. A literature search was conducted using grid words and other related keywords. Key words are "e-cigarette", "metabolic syndrome", "insulin resistance", "diabetes" and "pre-diabetes" (Table 1). Technical reports, expert presentations, recommendations, other unoriginal papers as well as preprint and conference papers are excluded from our review. All original paper studies submitted have been peer reviewed.
Conclusions:The use of e-cigarettes not only affects blood sugar levels, but also affects the development of insulin resistance, diabetes and pre-diabetic states.Nevertheless, mechanism of diabetes development takes a lot of time, therefore more long-term exposure researches need to be done in the framework of this topic.