Fluoride Content in Drinking Water of Various Blocks of Rajasthan and its Aspect of Seasonal and Temporal Fluctuation

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Ravi Sharma, Hukma Ram


Fluoride ion in excess is known for its adverse physiological effects on human body. Major source of fluoride intake into the body is drinking water laden with this ion. Though, the problem of fluoride excess is a worldwide phenomenon, but India and particularly Rajasthan state is the hotspot of this menace.Many surveys and research works have been conducted by researchers, government organizations and NGO in this state pertaining to fluoride endemicity. District-wise profile of endemic fluoride based on such reports is being presented in this paper. Our data of the fluoride content survey in some pockets of Jodhpur & Bikaner division exhibits some seasonal and temporal fluctuations that is why the surveys conducted by different people register different fluoride ion content in water from the same place, but rock aquifers does keep the fluoride concentration in a characteristic range in identified zones.

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