Representation of Nature and Western Ghats in K P Poornachandra Tejaswi's Novel

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Sushmitha A. Shetty, Dr. Tungesh G. M.


Environmental writings are a significant area of literature. They deal with various aspects of the environment. A few writers have attempted worldwide to bring out the best environmental literature in different literary forms in different languages. A famous Kannada writer K.P. PoornachandraTejaswi made a significant contribution to Indian literature. 

The analysis is based on his novel Carvalho which portrays the environment of the Western Ghats of Karnataka and their delicate human and nature relationship. Nature and incidents related to nature enjoy significant roles in the novels of Tejaswi. The paper further analyses how these stories set in Karnataka's interiors communicate about the environment of Western Ghats also other parts of the world. 

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