Difference in Parent-Child Emotional Communication in Middle Childhood in Various Rural-Urban Sectors and Socioeconomic Strata’s
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Parent-child emotional communication is an essential part of development. Change fromrural to urban sectorand Socioeconomic Stratacan be seen as a potential source of variation in parent-child emotional communication. Aim of the study was to investigate the difference in parent-child emotional communication in various rural-urban environment and socioeconomic strata in middle childhood.A sample population of N=60 children aged 8-12 years were enrolled in the study along with their parents. A study questionnaire (especially designed for the study)consisting of 75 items using a Likert Scale was used to collect information on parent-child emotional communication separately from fathers, mothers, and children, Kuppuswamy scale (2020) was used to assess the demographics and rural-urban environment was noted by the researcher. A total of 60 participants with a mean age of 10.26 ± 1.44 years along with their parents were included in the study.There is enough evidence to conclude that living in rural-urban sectors and different socioeconomic strataeffects parent-child emotional communication. Urban sectors have better emotional communication then rural sectors and higher the socioeconomic strata higher the level of emotional communication.