A Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Selfitis Behaviour among the Undergraduate Students in a Selected College of Greater Noida, UP.
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Background: Selfie is a self portrait photograph which is taken with the help of digital camera or phone camera. With increase in the popularity of various social medias, the young age adults or adolescence become addicted to take more oneself selfies and post it in the social media.
Aims: To assess the level of selfitis behaviour among undergraduate students and to find out the association between level of selfitis behaviour with selected demographic variables among undergraduate students.
Settings and Design: A qualitive research approach was used and the research design for the present study was descriptive design. The target population of the study was undergraduate students in selected college of Greater Noida. Sample size was 100, the analysis of the data was done on the basis of objectives and hypothesis of the study.
Statistical analysis used: The data obtained was analysed on the basis of objectives and hypothesis by using descriptive and inferential statistics and the hypothesis were tested at 0.0001 level of significance.
Results:Findings of the study showed the majority of students (93%) had borderline selfitis behaviour,(6%) had acute selfitis behaviour and (1%) had chronic selfitis behaviour. The mean is 55.06 and Median ± SD=55.5±13.7. Further, it was found that sever selfie behaviour was recorded among 61.5% of the subjects who posted at least one selfie a day in comparison to those subjects who posted no selfie (13.8%). Statistically, this was found to be highly significant (p<0.001).
Conclusions:It can be concluded that among all the selected variables only habit of posting selfie was found to be associated with level of selfie behaviour.
Recommendations: This study can be done on large samples in different setting to understand more about the negative consequences develop due to technology in the society.