Insecurities and Triumphs of Female Protagonists in Shaping Their World Themselves in Manju Kapur's Select Novels

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Dr. M. Vanisree


Women are frequently reminded of their importance in shaping their world. The present paperentitled “Insecurities and Triumphs of Female Protagonists in Shaping Their World Themselves inManju Kapur's Select Novels. The women of future generations, warriors, and leaders who wouldinfluence the world have suffered in their life. They strive to overcome their fears, triumph, and helpshape the world around them. Manju Kapur is an Indian woman writer whose work is generally situatedaround the partition and deals with the overall challenge of patriarchy, which deprives women's voices.This paper aims to show how the patriarchal society in India subordinates and traumatizes femaleprotagonistsinManjuKapur'snovels

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