The Role of Mycoplasma Bacteria in Urinary Tract Infections of Diabetic Patients in Basra City

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Ala,a Fakher Farhoud, Ghaida,a Jassim AL- Ghizzawi


The current study aimed to demonstrate the role of Mycoplasma in infecting patients with diabetes and those suffering from urinary tract infections in Basra Governorate. A 62 urine samples were collected from patients who visited the private clinics in Al-Ashar  and Al-Tanomah - Basra Governorate, for the period from 1/1/2020 to 4/30/2020.  The number of female patients was 37, at a rate of 59.6%, while the number of males recorded 25 cases, at a rate of 40.3%. In addition, A 20 urine samples collected considered as a control group. Samples were cultured on Monophasic-Diphasic Culture Setup (MDCS) medium for mycoplasma isolation.  Mycoplasma was isolated from 38 cases with a percentage of 61%, and four types were diagnosed: Ureaplasma urealyticum  20.9%, Mycoplasma hominis 14.5 %, and Mycoplasma genitalium 17.7% ( were isolated for the first time in Iraq from patients with urinary tract infections) as well as Mycoplasma fermentans was isolated at a rate of 8%.

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