Results of Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Plate Osteosynthesis (MIPPO) In Humeral Shaft Fractures
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Introduction: Minimal Invasive Percutaneous Plate Osteosynthesis (MIPPO) is a good technique where biologic fixation can be offered to the patient with minimal complications. (1)MIPPO is a safe and effective technique for fixation of diaphyseal humeral fractures, and results in faster bone union, less soft tissue disruption, preservation of the fracture hematoma and blood supply to the bone fragments,better cosmesis, and rehabilitation. (2, 3)This study was done to evaluate the clinical and radiological outcomes of MIPPO technique in the treatment of humeral shaft fractures.
Methods: the study included 40 patients(meanage: 35 years; range: 16 to 70 years) with humeral shaft fractures surgically treated with MIPPOtechnique using 4.5 mm locking plates. Patients were followed clinically and radiologically for union. Evaluation of shoulder and elbow functions assessed using American Shoulder and Elbow Society (ASES) and University of California, Los Angles (UCLA) scores.
Results:satisfactory outcomes with successful union were obtained within a mean of18.36 weeks. The main operative time was 141.75 minutes and mean follow up 25.51 weeks.Complication included radial nerve injury in 2 cases,malunion in 5 cases and nonunion in one case.Mean ASES and UCLA scores were 90.8 and 32 respectively.
Conclusion:MIPPO techniqueis safe and effective treatment method with highrates of union, excellent functional recovery, minimal biologicaldisruption, better cosmesis, and superior patientsatisfaction.