Effect of Some Growth Regulators and the Dates of their Addition on the Sugar Content of Stevioside and Rebaudioside in the Leaves of the Stevia Plants

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Hazhar Zaro Saleem Al Shekhany, Qasim. M. Al- Hmadani, Muyasser M. Aziz


The results showed in the biochemical characteristics studied, represented by the estimation of the content of stevioside and rebaudioside sugars in the leaves of the stevia plant and the content of chlorophyll, carotene and protein. 23.91 mg/g dry weight in the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, respectively, while the control plants gave a content of 4.45 mg/g dry weight of leaves. Also, the same process from growth regulators showed their effectiveness in increasing the sugar content of rebaudioside, which reached its peak when processed with BA (62.49 mg/g dry weight) at the third date and reached (47.99 mg/g dry weight) at the first date, followed by GA (34.73 mg/g. g dry weight) at the second date, while the control plants showed the lowest content of 12.74 mg/g dry weight at the second date. The effect of the dates indicated that the third date was the best date in increasing the content of Reabudioside.

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