A Training Curriculum with the Help of Electrical Stimulation in Developing the Force of Clouds and the Accuracy of Correction among the National Youth Team Players with the Arc and Arrow

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Dr. Kareem Hamad Kazem


The study aimed to identify the impact of the use of electrical stimulation associated with exercises in developing the strength of the withdrawal and the accuracy of the injury, the experimental approach relied on a sample that was deliberately chosen from the community to search from the national youth team players in the bow and the arrow of (10) players who divided into two experimental groups and controlled by (5 ) For each group, and they have been tested as a tribal test to know their total level of the strength of the withdrawal and the accuracy of the correction. They have, after dealing with the results (SPSS), the researcher reached the following conclusions: the development of the experimental and controlled groups in the strength of the withdrawal and the accuracy of correction for the national youth team players with the bow and the arrow, and that the rate of development of the experimental group is greater than the development rate of the control group in the strength of the withdrawal and the accuracy of the correction of the national team players For the youth with the arc and the arrow, and the researcher recommended that it is necessary for the coaches of the Iraqi Arch and Arrow to use electrical stimulation of muscles during the training units when they are training the players.

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