Traditional Learning Versus E- Learning in the Academia : A Comparative Study of the Prospects and Problematics of Education in the Digital World.

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Dr. Noheir Taha Hassan Mohamed


In previous studies, the online learning vs traditional learning implications have formerly been discussed for many years in higher education levels. The theme of this research work had emerged as an outcome of the remarkable ongoing technological growth, as well as the enduring digital trends. Consequently, the market is currently altering the traditional teaching strategies and classical learning practices. In fact, the outdated educational process is changing and a new one its emerging. More learning opportunities are introduced and recommended because of the progressions in the teaching and learning processes, which will enhance, and advance education. Moreover, this study will examine the benefits and drawbacks of traditional learning and E-learning. On one hand, it will focus on traditional learning styles, which generally require a physical space, including a classroom, where schools and instructors can interact. On the other hand, it will discuss E-learning styles, which mainly include an e-space with a server and a web browsing interface.

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